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Provider Forms
- Application for Provider Status - Initial & Renewal
- Education Approval Application: In Person Training
- Education Approval Application: Online Training
Past Education Approvals
Benefits of Becoming an Approved Education Provider
- Assured of offering training that professionals must acquire for recertification.
- Organization can market trainings as VCB Approved.
- Approved education is listed on the VCB website which is the first place professionals seeking recertification are directed for education.
- Approved education will be searchable on the VCB website by not only organization, topic, region, online or in person training and date.
CCHW Training Approval
This application is designed to; 1) expand the instructional capacity within Virginia through learning institutions and other community providers for persons seeking to become certified as Community Health Workers and, 2) assist the Virginia Certification Board in the review of curriculum that meets the core competency instruction standards that is part of the CHW certification process.
This page shows past education approvals for the trailing 2 year period.
Title | Dates | Hours | Location | Organization |
10 Ways Practitioners Can Avoid Frequent Ethical Pitfalls - 10020 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
What Happened? Alcohol, Memory Blackouts, and the Brain - 101470 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
College Factors That Influence Drinking: From Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Supplement #14 - 101643 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
The Living In Balance Counseling Approach - 100844 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Serious Mental Illness and Its Co-Occurrence with Substance Use Disorders, 2002 - 100995 | - | 8 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Adolescent Binge Drinking-Developmental Context and Opportunities for Prevention 102850 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
An Argument for Change in Tobacco Treatment Options Guided by the ASAM Criteria for Patient Placement 102563 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Behavioral Health Services for American Indians and Alaska Natives - A Guide for Serving American Indian and Alaska Natives - Vignettes 102372 | - | 5 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Brief Interventions for Problem Gambling-A Meta-Analysis 102599 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
The Challenges of Afghanistan and Iraq Veterans’ Transition from Military to Civilian Life and Approaches to Reconnection 102337 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Clinical Supervision and Professional Development of The Substance Abuse Counselor Part 3-A Review of the Literature-Section 1 102570 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Comparison of 12-step Groups to Mutual Help Alternatives for AUD in a Large, National Study-Differences in Membership Characteristics and Group Participation, Cohesion, and Satisfaction 103034 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
The Craving Mind: From Cigarettes to Smartphones to Love- Why We Get Hooked and How We Can Break Bad Habits (Part 2) 102972 | - | 4 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Culturally Competent Prevention and Treatment 102569 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Drug Addiction: From Neuroscience to Ethics 102815 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
The Effectiveness and Cost of Clinical Supervision for Motivational Interviewing: A Randomized Controlled Trial 102829 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Ethical Models 102357 | - | 4 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Eye on Ethics Series - Course Five 101836 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Family Based Interventions 102966 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Gamblers Anonymous as a Recovery Pathway-A Scoping Review 102697 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Hispanic participants in the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s Clinical Trials Network-A scoping review of two decades of research 103003 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Integrated Care: Lessons, Resources, and Tools in Integrated Healthcare 102411 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Anger Management for Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Clients - 102736 | - | 4 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
A multisite randomized controlled trial of Seeking Safety vs. Relapse Prevention Training for women with co-occurring posttraumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders - 102591 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
TIP 35-Enhancing Motivation for Change in Substance Use Disorder Treatment-Motivational Interviewing as a Counseling Style - 102658 | - | 3 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |