Inactive & Emeritus Status


VCB has established an Inactive Status to allow certified professionals, who are experiencing extenuating circumstances, a means to put their certification on hold and avoid paying lapsedfees, retesting (if applicable) and the reapplication process.  Inactive status is for certified professionals who expect to be inactive for a minimum of six months

Certified professionals in good standing unable to meet the continuing education requirements for recertification maintenance due to health or extenuating personal reasons may place their certificate on Inactive Status if they meet the requirements. The process for reactivation from Inactive Status will then be followed when they wish to activate their certification.

Approval of Inactive Status is at the discretion of VCB. Applicants will be notified by VCB of the approval or denial of Inactive Status via email approximately 7-10 business days after the request is received.

Insufficient hours of continuing education will not be accepted as rationale for requesting Inactive Status. Credentials placed on Inactive Status are not eligible for reciprocity.


Eligibility for Inactive Status:

  • Currently certified with no ethical violations
  • Pursuing academic coursework and not working in the field for the duration of such course work
  • On extended military active duty
  • Experiencing health problems
  • Experiencing extenuating personal circumstances

Procedure for Obtaining Inactive Status

  • Request “Inactive Status” in writing stating the specific reason(s) for the request.
  • Submit documentation for eligibility
  • Surrender your current original certificate to VCB. You will receive a letter from VCB acknowledging the certification is on Inactive Status.
  • Pay a $50 fee.

During the period of Inactive Status, certified professionals are considered to be without VCB certification.  They cannot refer to themselves in writing or verbally as a certified professional or use the credential(s) acronym behind their name.  Any use of the credential during Inactive Status could result in an ethical violation upon reactivation. 

Procedure for Reactivating a Credential from Inactive Status

  • Submit a written request for reactivation to VCB. If your credential has passed its expiration date you must also submit the Recertification Application.



VCB has established an Emeritus Status for certified professionals who are retired from the work force but wish to maintain a connection to VCB. Approval of Emeritus Status is at the discretion of VCB. Applicants will be notified by VCB of the approval or denial of Emeritus Status via email approximately 7-10 business days after the request is received.            

Eligibility for Emeritus Status:

  • Certified and in good standing
  • At least fifty-five (55) years of age
  • Retiring with no intention of returning to any form of addiction-related employment 

Procedure for Obtaining Emeritus Status:

  • Request Emeritus Status in writing from VCB.
  • Include documentation for eligibility with the request
  • Pay $60 Emeritus Status fee every two years
  • No continuing education is required for this status

Certified professionals who are approved for Emeritus Status will receive a certificate(s) from VCB for all credentials held.